The clock struck one



The clock struck one

 The clock struck eleven at night Dream beauty pro.The whole house was quiet.Everyone was in bed except me.Under the strong light,I looked gloomily before a huge pile of disgusting things they call "books".I was going to have my examination the next day Dream beauty pro."When can I go to bed?"I asked myself.
    The clock struck 12."Oh,dear!"cried 1,"Five more books to read before I can go to bed!We pupils are the unhappiest persons in the world.Mother does not agree with me on this.She did not have to work so hard when she was a girl Dream beauty pro."
    I was quite hopeless now.I forgot all I had learnt."Who wrote David Copperfield?"I asked myself.I scratched my head.For a moment I could not answer.
    The clock stuck two.I was too tired to go on.I yawned.My eyes were heavy,so heavy that I could hardly open them.A few minutes later,with my head on the desk,I fell asleep.